LoRa Server Stack


The LoRa Server Stack can be deployed by adding the "App - ECP LoRa Server Stack" to your Space from the Marketplace.

This will deploy (Chirpstack components):
  • gateway bridge
  • network server
  • application server
And the dependencies:
  • postgresql
  • redis
  • mosquitto

The stack is initialized so that all the pieces can talk to each other. The gateway bridge itself is available on port 1700 (UDP) of the ecp-lora-server-stack-gateway-bridge service (internal to the cluster) and can be exposed as a node port if necessary (for use with external LoRa gateways).

The network band defaults to "EU868" and can be set using the override parameter in the deployment (see Create a Deployment).

Note that you might want to consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification for valid values that apply to your region. See: https://www.lora-alliance.org/lorawan-for-developers.

Valid values, to use as value for the override parameter, are:
  • AS923
  • AU915
  • CN470
  • CN779
  • EU433
  • EU868
  • IN865
  • KR920
  • RU864
  • US915

