ECP Management Service

The ECP Management Service needs to be installed on a K3s installation to connect to the Altair IoT Studio interface after which, management and orchestration can be done from the cloud.

Install K3s on 64-bit Linux

The Edge Compute Platform uses K3s, a lightweight kubernetes.

  1. After editing and saving the file, reboot the Raspberry Pi for the changes to take effect.
  2. Run the following command:
    sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-raspi
  3. Reboot the Raspberry Pi again using:
    sudo reboot
  4. Access your Raspberry Pi through SSH and install the following command:
    sudo apt install curl
  5. Run the following line to install K3s:
    curl -sfL | K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644" sh -s -

Access the Altair IoT Studio Platform

  1. Open the Altair IoT Studio platform to enable the communication with the Edge Device (Raspberry Pi).
  2. Create a new Asset in the Fleet Management section. This Asset represents the Device (your Raspberry) in which you could install Edge Applications.
    1. To create a new Asset, click Edge Ops > Fleet Management > Asset Management and click + New Asset at the top right corner.
    2. In the screen that appears, choose the Pre-installed OS option and fill in the fields, read the conditions and mark the boxes as required. Click Next.
      The web page shows two commands that enable you to install the Management app on your Devices. Do this by running these commands on the Raspberry Pi. (You can click on them to cut/paste them into your terminal session.)
      • The first command installs the credentials you need to install and run Edge applications.
      • The second one installs the Edge Compute Platform Management Service that manages the installation and uninstallation of the apps.
      Figure 1.

      When you run this command in your Device, the Altair IoT Studio Studio and the Edge Compute Platform Management Service communicate with each other and when the installation and the communication are finished, it will display the following image.
      Figure 2.

    3. Click on Next.
      You will see that the installation is finished and displays the device status, such as the CPU and Memory Usage and the Deployment Stats.
      Figure 3.