Account Linking

To upgrade your account to a commercial account, you need to link your account to AltairOne to use your Altair Units in Altair IoT Studio. Click here if you want to know more about the Altair Units, our Software Licensing Model.

Access your user Profile on the upper right corner and click on Link AltairOne Account:
Figure 1.

A pop-up appears where you can enter your AltairOne credentials. Once you have completed the process, the status will be updated in your profile and the option to unlink the AltairOne account will be displayed:
Figure 2.

Altair Units Management

Altair IoT Studio, like most Altair products, is licensed by Altair Units (AU), a patented, units-based subscription model for software licensing.

In the Altair Units Management section, under the Space Settings, users can set the limits of usage for each feature in each Space. Depending on the limits established, a number of Altair Units will be consumed. More information can be found here.

Note: The information described below applies only to Altair IoT Studio SaaS offering.


Before setting the limits for your Space, ensure you have met the following requirements:
  • Link your Altair IoT Studio Account to your AltairOne account.
  • Have enough available AU. Note the AU for the IoT platform will be hosted 24-7.
  • Make sure you have the HWSmartWorksIoT tracking feature in your license.

Update Altair Units Consumption

If the space is under Free Trial version, the expiration date will appear and the option to Upgrade to commercial version will be available on the left side menu:
Figure 3.

To complete the process of upgrading the space to a Commercial Version, the user needs to link their Altair IoT Studio to their AltairOne account. After that, increase the limits of the different features in the platform. As soon as your space is consuming AU, the status will be upgrade to Commercial Version:
Figure 4.

The Limits apply to the features described below. For additional information, click on the tooltips available on each section.

The AU consumption is calculated based on the number of devices and their messages sent from the device to the platform per day. The Total Messages per day is calculated by multiplying those 2 values.
Note: Payload of the message cannot exceed 5 KB.
One free month of data retention (number of months to store the data in the platform) is provided.
Data history retention: depending on the frequency of data, the default will be 2 or 3 months of data history retention. This limit can be extended to 8 or 9 months, depending on the frequency of the data sent.
Note: Changes to the retention period of data are not retroactive, so if the user updates the data retention policy, it will only affect future data and will not alter the expiration schedule of existing data. The expiration date is based on the ingestion time (the time the record is inserted/created).
API Requests
Every action performed in the IoT platform by interacting with IoT Studio, or any other application that uses the platform, (for example, create a Category, get the information inside a Category, delete a Thing inside a Category, update the Model of a Category, and so on) is done by making API requests.
There is a limit to the maximum number of API requests that can be done per day (without considering the messages sent from the devices to the platform for AnythingDB). This limit is set based on the apps but can be increased by adding more apps. Each additional app adds 1000 requests per day.
User Functions
Functions consume CPUs and memory. To properly size the needed resources, the following is estimated:
One CPU enables you to build four Functions with simple logic using Python or GO. Therefore, the number of Functions can be increased by four at a time, which would increase the available CPU. Note you will be able to set exactly the needed CPUs per Function when building them.
Memory is by default set to 200 MiB. If desired, it can be increased to 500 MiB.
Stream Processing
The number of seats represents the number of users that can access simultaneously the features under Stream Processing.
Real Time Visualization
The number of seats represents the number of users that can access simultaneously the features under Real Time Visualization. A differentiation between designers (people with full privileges to edit, read, delete) and viewers (people authorized to just read) is made.
The number of edge nodes represents the number of Fleet Assets created in Altair IoT Studio to gather and process data at the edge.
The number of developers represents the number of users that can access simultaneously the Space.