Query Cursors Examples

This API is used to execute queries directly on the ArangoDB database.

Query Cursor Normal Request

  "query": "FOR t IN things FILTER HAS(t.properties, @property_name) RETURN t._key",
  "count": true,
  "batchSize": 2,
  "bindVars": {
    "property_name": "cpu"
In this request we find out multiple attributes:
Contains the query string to be executed. Only read-only queries are allowed.
This is a boolean attribute. If we set it to true, the response will return a "count" field, with the total number of elements in the database that match the query sent.
Indicates the maximum number of results we want to be returned.
Key/values pair representing the bind parameters in the query. In this example @property_name.

There are more parameters that can be sent in the request, which you can find in the API.

With the request sent above a possible answer that you can obtain is the following:

  "code": 201,
  "count": 3,
  "error": false,
  "extra": {
    "stats": {
      "executionTime": 0.006785640027374029,
      "peakMemoryUsage": 32768
  "hasMore": true,
  "id": "9895653453478",
  "result": [
Here, multiple attributes are returned:
Indicates the HTTP status code of the response.
Total number of elements in the database that match the query sent.
A boolean attribute that indicates if there has been any error executing the request.
An optional JSON object with extra information about the query result contained in its stats sub-attribute.
Boolean attribute that indicates if there are more results available for the cursor on the server.
Temporary cursor id that is returned if there is more available data. It can be used on the /spaces/{space}/query/cursor/{cursor-id} endpoint.
Array of result data expected from the query sent.

Query Cursor with Operations to Apply

Operations can be applied to the results returned but only on Things.

  "query": "FOR t IN things FILTER HAS(t.properties, @property_name) RETURN t._key",
  "count": true,
  "batchSize": 2,
  "bindVars": {
    "property_name": "cpu"
  "then": {
    "op": "update",
    "resource": "properties",
    "data": {
      "cpu": 10
There is a new attribute in the request called then, with the following parameters:
Indicates the type of operation that we want to execute. In this case, we want to update a Thing.
Indicate on which resource you want to apply the indicated "op". In this case, we are updating the Properties of the Things.
Data to be sent. In this case, we indicate the new cpu value.

The response will be as follows:

  "code": 201,
  "count": 3,
  "error": false,
  "extra": {
    "stats": {
      "executionTime": 0.0069512189365923405,
      "peakMemoryUsage": 32768
  "hasMore": true,
  "id": "9895653458933",
  "result": [
  "then": {
    "error_count": 0,
    "success_count": 2
There is a new attribute in the response called then, and it has 2 parameters:
Number of failed operations. In this case, number of things that have not been updated.
Number of succeeded operations. In this case, the number of Things updated correctly.

Query Cursors to Return Linked Things

Since ArangoDB is a graph database, this functionality has been included for the Links of the Things, so every time a Link of a Thing points to another Thing, a connection between them will be created.

The following example shows which Things are linked to each other:

	"query": "FOR l in links FILTER l._from == @from RETURN l._to",
	"count": true,
	"bindVars": {
		"from": "things/01H4G9T37EYV2BQ0GXRV7V2MMG"

The response will be as follows, with the result parameters containing all the Things IDs that matched the previous request:

    "result": [
    "hasMore": false,
    "count": 2,
    "extra": {
        "stats": {
            "executionTime": 0.00025816199922701344,
            "peakMemoryUsage": 32768
    "error": false,
    "code": 201