
All Users that have access to this environment -- either through the Altair IoT Studio interface or through an end user application -- are listed in the Users panel under Access Control.

Invite a New User

  1. From the Users panels, click Invite User.

  2. Enter the user email address and assign a Role to the user. Click Send Invitation.
    The status of the invitation appears in the Invitations section, and a message appears noting that the invitation was sent. Once the User accepts or declines the invitation, the invitation status will be updated.

    Invitations can be resent from this section in case a user missed it.

Edit Users' Roles

You can edit multiple users' roles at once from this interface.

  1. Select the user names to edit, click on Edit Roles and choose the action to perform from the drop-down (add roles or remove roles).
  2. Choose the role(s) to be added or removed and click Save.
    Figure 1.

Change Space Owner

To modify the owner of a Space, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The user must have an account in IoT Studio.
  2. The user must be a member of the Space they are being assigned ownership of.
  3. If the Space is commercial, the new owner must have sufficient Altair Units (AU) available.

Send an Invitation to a New Owner

To update the ownership of a Space, the owner needs to send a new invitation to request a user to be the new owner.

  1. Under Access Control > Users, click Change Owner. Note the button will just be enabled for the owner of the Space
    Figure 2.

    The following pop-up appears, allowing you to select the new owner from the list of users in the drop-down box. If the user is not listed, make sure they meet all the requirements listed above.
    Figure 3.

  2. Choose the new owner from the list and click Send Invitation.
    The invitation is sent and the status of the user will be updated to "pending ownership change" until they accept the ownership.

Accept Invitation to be a New Space Owner

If another user has sent you an invitation to be the new owner, it will appear on the space picker. The invitation will show the space card with the message "ownership change pending". The new owner can accept or reject the invitation from here.
Figure 4.

As soon as the new owner accepts the invitation (and if they met all the requirements listed before) the ownership information would be updated and the process will be completed.

If the process is not successful, an error message will appear notifying the user the cause of the issue (the user should have their AltairOne account linked and enough AU available). Once the issue is solved, they will be able to retry the process.