Create an Application in the Stream Processing Environment

The application aims to process the data received from a data source and a graphical programming environment is used to create the processing.

  1. Open the Applications menu under Stream Processing.
    Figure 1.

  2. Select New Application.

  3. Enter a name for the new Application and click Create.
    Figure 2.

  4. Create a diagram schema by adding the operations needed. An example is provided below.
    Figure 3.

    Figure 4. Data Processing diagram

    1. If following the example, click on input1. In the Settings panel, select your input Data source.
      Figure 5.

    2. Click on the Calculation tile. In the Settings panel, click on the Action drop-down menu and make a select. Enter abs as the Field Name. This will usually receive a positive value. Then click to add an expression.
      Figure 6.

    3. Click on aggregation1. In the Settings panel, click the plus sign near the Group By field. Click the down arrow to view the menu, and select abs.
      Figure 7.

    4. Click on output2. In the Settings panel, click the Data Consumer down arrow key and select your output Data source.
      Figure 8.