Create the Input Data Source

Make sure you have created a Thing with at least one property named number. Keep the Thing's data (Thing ID, MQTT credentials) and the Space ID handy.
Figure 1.

In this tutorial, you'll get the input data via MQTT from a specific property of a Thing named number.

  1. Under Stream Processing > Data Sources, click My Workspace and then select + New Data Source.
  2. Enter a name for the new data source and click Create.
  3. Click the Connector drop-down menu and select MQTT.
  4. Update the Broker URL to tcp://
  5. Populate the Topic field with the MQTT topic of the AnythingDB Thing from which you want to process data. This should be in the format spaces/<space>/things/<thing_id>/properties/number.
  6. Populate the User Id and Password. These can be found on the Interfaces tab of the Details page of the Thing you are trying to connect to. Detailed information can be found here.
  7. Select Generate Columns.
    Note: Your device must be sending Data to generate columns. If Stream Processing does not detect any messages within the limit, it will timeout.
  8. Select Save.
    The input data source has been successfully created.