Define a Device

  1. Click AnythingDB > Things, and choose to create a new Thing.
  2. Define the properties of the Thing using the different parameters you have stored in the CSV file. This example uses the following:
    Property Description
    UID Unique identifier ranging from 1 to 10000
    product_ID Consisting of a letter L (low), M(medium), or H(high) as product quality variants and a variant-specific serial number
    type Product type L, M or H
    air_temperature Measure in K
    process_temperature Measure in K
    rotational_speed Measure in rpm
    tool_wear Measure in minutes
    torque Measure in Nm
    machine_failure Indicates, whether the machine has failed in one of the following failure modes: TWF [tool wear failure] | HDF[heat dissipation failure] | PWF [power failure] | OSF [overstrain failure] | RNF [random failures]
  3. Access the Interfaces tab and store the MQTT credentials. You will need them to authenticate when storing the data from the CSV file to the Thing.